Saturday, September 14, 2024

Job Hunting

 Job hunting, I am starting to believe, is very much like actual hunting.

You picture your quarry in your mind.  You know what you're going after... it wouldn't do to arm yourself for deer hunting when you want a duck or turkey, for example, or vice-versa.  You prepare your gear - resume?  Check.  Letters of reference?  Check.  Appropriate certifications and transcripts?  Check and check.

Then, it's out into the field.  You need to get out there early - that's when the game is moving.  And you need to know where to go to find a game trail... wandering around the woods and wetlands, clueless, is a good way to come back empty handed.  Once you've found your spot, you hunker down behind a blind, send out your employment paperwork, and wait.  Or maybe it's more like fishing than hunting... you put out your bait, and then you wait.

And you wait.

And you wait.

And you wait.

I would make a lousy deer hunter.  Or duck hunter.  Or turkey hunter.  Or fishing enthusiast.  

Or job hunter, for that matter.

I hate waiting.

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