Sunday, September 11, 2016

Yay! It Happened Again!

I'm thrilled to report that my second picture book, THE STABLE CAT, has been accepted by Worthy Kids/ Ideals and will be released in November 2017.  It's a Christmas fable that I wrote for my church some ten years ago, after becoming tired of never seeing cats included in any Nativity scenes.  (I rarely see dogs, either - a gross oversight, in my most humble opinion!)  I've been sitting on the manuscript, waiting for "the right time" to send it out - in my mind, when I was established enough to have a say in the choice of illustrator or illustrative style - until I realized that "the right time" wasn't ever going to get here, at the rate I've been going.  I haven't been getting any nibbles on my other work, and I knew that THE STABLE CAT was well-received by pretty much everyone who had read or heard the original draft.  So... why wait?

Worthy Kids/ Ideals is a firmly established and respectable house.  They've published Berenstain Bears titles and Eileen Spinelli, as well as Veggie Tales books and a pair of children's devotionals that I'm particularly fond of.  Honestly, I couldn't be happier with WorthyKids/ Ideals as a home for my book - and I can't wait to see the finished product!